New Government guidance about PPE for home care has been published; we are already doing much, but there are some changes. From now on:
Face Masks
• Use a mask for all calls. You can use the same one and you should leave it on between calls. If you remove the mask, you should replace it.
• Replace your mask if it becomes dirty, damaged or otherwise unsuitable.
• Replace the mask after a known COVID case. Dispose of the mask (and all PPE) according to normal COVID procedure
• Avoid touching your face or adjusting your mask
• Please continue to be careful and conservative with supply
This replaces previous guidance relating to Extremely Vulnerable people. You will be using
a mask anyway, and it does not need to be changed or replaced. There is no longer a need
to store masks for future re-use, unless part of the Care Plan.
Eye Protection
• Use eye protection for all cases where there is a risk of coughing, sneezing, vomiting or other fluid or droplet production.
• Use eye protection for active COVID cases
• Can be used continuously if not removed. Once removed, eye protection should be cleaned:
o Use mild detergent solution and warm water
o Where this is not available use alcohol lens wipes
• Disinfect if soiled with infectious material, blood or bodily fluids:
o A weak bleach solution is sufficient – 1 part per 1000
o In 1 litre of water add 1 teaspoon (5ml) of household bleach, or
o In 1 bucket of water (approx. 15 litres) add 5 teaspoons (25ml) bleach
o Let the equipment soak for 5 minutes, allow to dry naturally
The single best protection is still HAND HYGIENE. Ensure you wash or sanitise your hands
frequently, and every time you remove your mask.
You can see the full guidance at here.
The guidance is much simpler, easier to understand and follow, and reflects current practice
in clinical settings much more closely. Your Managers and Team Leaders / Coordinators will
be on hand to help and support you with any questions.