"To express appreciation for the services"

Libertas Testemonials

To express appreciation for the services

I am writing this letter on behalf of myself, my mother and my father to express appreciation for the services your carer/manager Clare has given to us since my fathers return home from hospital. I can see why she is in the profession as the care and package she supplies is second to none.

Clare has taken the time to get to know us as a family and most importantly she has built an amazing understanding and rapport with my father Ray. As I am sure you will understand although we were always of the opinion Ray belonged in his home with his wife and family, due to the complexity of his condition this is no way an easy task. However this has been made so much easier by Clare.

I personally, although I play an active role in my fathers care, also run my own business. Of course I worry about the strain on my mum but can rest easy as the care and personal touch Clare supplies lifts a huge weight as I know Clare has an interest for both of their well being. So this is why I must express my sincere gratitude to your company and Clare.

With many thanks Sarah
